6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Via Zoom / Teleconference
Members: please register here to receive Zoom link and/or phone details.
Deadline to become a member and vote at the AGM is 5pm October 9, 2020.
If you have any questions or to request accommodations for disability related needs at the AGM, please contact us at 416-531-2411 or info@parkdalelegal.org.
PCLS will be hosting our Annual General Meeting via Zoom this year on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020. We will present the Dorothy Leatch Memorial Award to a community member who made exceptional contributions to social justice and the Fred Zemans Prize in Poverty Law to an outstanding student. The business portion of the meeting will present the Annual Report and the Audited Financial Statements of 2019-2020 and elect our 2020-2021 Board of Directors.
Election of Directors
A member who is in good standing five days in advance of the AGM is eligible to vote in the meeting and elect Directors.
Any two members in good standing may nominate another member in good standing for election as a Director by submitting a nomination in writing to PCLS. Along with the nomination, the two members must also have the written consent of the nominated member confirming they will stand as a nominee.
All nomination materials must be received by e-mail to info@parkdalelegal.org or mailed/dropped off at Parkdale Community Legal Services, 1229 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M6K 1L2 by or Friday, October 9th, 2019, at 5:00 p.m.
Please find below relevant documents for this year’s AGM. If you would like us to mail you hard copies of these documents, please call 416-531-2411 or email us at info@parkdalelegal.org :