Cross-Divisional CLW, Amarna Moscote, and Seniors for Change organized this accessibilty campaign so low-income seniors, students, OW, and ODSP recipients can use TTC transit services for free. So far Seniors for Change collected 1,500 signatures to make TTC transit more affordable for low-income people. Seniors for Change is a grassroots collective of racialized and low-income Parkdale seniors who self-advocate against racism, poverty, elder abuse and discrimination based on age for a senior-friendly Toronto. In May 2018, Seniors for Change joined the TTC Riders’ “Vote Transit Day of Action” at Landowne Public Station, a civic engagement campaign initiated by the group to talk to thousands of riders throughout the city about public transit issues in the upcoming provincial election. In December 2017, PCLA Seniors for Change and PCLS’s petition was received and read by MPP Cheri Di Novo at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.